When war erupted, a Ukrainian orphanage attempted to shield its children. However, the Russians soon arrived

When war erupted, a Ukrainian orphanage attempted to shield its children. However, the Russians soon arrived

Olena’s Brave Front Amidst Chaos
As Olena approached the Kherson Children’s Home, the sound of artillery fire reverberated, but she remained unperturbed.

Proximity to Conflict
Russian forces are stationed near the Dnipro River, making Kherson, a city in southern Ukraine, a regular target for attacks.

A Caretaker’s Anonymity in War
Choosing to uphold her privacy, like many other Ukrainians during the conflict, Olena opts to withhold her last name. She boasts a service of over 17 years at the orphanage.

Special Bonds Amidst Orphans
While Olena expresses deep affection for all the orphans, she admits a unique bond with a child named Arkasha, who holds a special place in her heart.

Memories of Little Arkasha
A testament to Arkasha’s presence in the home is his orange locker, adorned with a rooster sticker. His name stands out, carefully written in Cyrillic script.

Ghazi Balkiz/CNN
An eerie silence and stillness envelop everything at the orphanage in Kherson.

Vibrant Settings, Now Empty
The interiors display vibrant paintings of bunnies with balloons, designated play spaces for toddlers, and cupboards filled with toys. The bedrooms are meticulously maintained, with cots and bunk beds adorned with vivid mattresses.

Children’s Disappearance
The once lively home for 48 children now stands empty, with the children taken away during the city’s prolonged Russian occupation.

Olena’s Desolation
Olena speaks of the deep void she feels since the children’s departure. She recalls the joy and comfort they experienced at the home.

Protective Measures Amidst War
With the onset of conflict in February the previous year, the staff at the children’s home formulated a safety plan. Under Olena’s narration, it’s revealed that they moved all children, primarily under 5, to the Holhofa church situated across town.

Sheltering in a Church’s Basement
The church’s basement became a sanctuary for the children. With the help of caregivers from the home, the kids remained concealed there, safe from the violence and potential capture by Russian forces.

Kherson’s Fall and Russian Occupation
Russian forces captured Kherson in the war’s initial stages. Post their Dnipro River crossing, it became the first significant city they occupied and remains the only provincial capital under their control.

Caretaker Victor’s Confirmation
Victor, the church’s septuagenarian caretaker, confirmed to CNN the sheltering of the children. However, he mentioned that after Russian forces took over, they began inquiring about the children’s whereabouts.

Ghazi Balkiz/CNN
The orphans were brought to this church and hidden in the basement to prevent Russian officials and collaborators from finding them.

Russian Agents’ Arrival
A few weeks into hiding, the Russian security service, FSB, arrived at the church, insisting that the caregivers return the children to their orphanage.

Realization of the Russian Intent
Given the circumstances, the caregivers felt compelled to comply. Olena soon recognized the Russians’ underlying motive—to take the children away.

FSB’s Claims on the Children
Olena recalls the relentless assertion of the FSB agents, claiming the children as their own.

Russian Officials’ Final Warning
By October, the orphanage received official communication from the Russians regarding their intent to take the children. Olena recounts the ominous instructions they received to ready the children for departure.

Ghazi Balkiz/CNN
Cots stand empty at the orphanage in Kherson.

ICC Arrest Warrants for Putin and Lvova-Belova
Slightly over a week ago, the International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights, citing their criminal responsibility for the “unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.” The Kremlin vehemently condemned the ICC’s decision.

President Zelensky’s Revelation
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently disclosed that a minimum of 15,000 children had been taken out of Ukraine. Human rights organizations assert that many of these children were coerced into leaving their parents and transported to purported “summer camps.”

Russian Actions in Kherson
In occupied Kherson, the Russians did not attempt to conceal their actions when they removed children from the Kherson Children’s Home. Instead, they openly publicized the event and exploited it for propaganda purposes, potentially providing future evidence for war crimes trials.

Heartbreaking Departure
Footage shared on Telegram captured the poignant moment from that October morning, portraying bewildered children being ushered onto buses, separated from their beloved caregivers.

Desperate Efforts to Preserve Identity
Olena recounted how the nurses took precautions by inscribing the children’s names on their jackets or hands to ensure they would retain their true identities, wherever they were taken. Although the organizers claimed they were destined for occupied Crimea, the precise destination remains unclear.

Children Allegedly Given Russian Citizenship
Ukrainian investigators contend that orphans extracted from occupied territories eventually found themselves in Russia. There, they were granted citizenship and placed with Russian couples, a situation that has drawn outrage. Olena voiced her strong objection, asserting that they “do not deserve our children” and urging their return.

Infiltration of Kherson for Child Retrieval
The Russians extended their efforts beyond orphanages, actively scouring Kherson for children to take. Collaborators and Russian officials frequently approached the Kherson Regional Children’s Hospital, seeking a list of orphaned infants and children to be removed, as stated by Dr. Olha Piliarska, a pediatric anesthetist.

A Bold Act of Secrecy
Piliarska revealed how hospital staff concealed some orphans in the ICU basement and falsified medical records for other children, indicating fabricated conditions like convulsions and lung fluid. She demonstrated a ventilator used for a healthy baby, highlighting the deception.

Fear of Retribution
Despite their daring actions to save these children, Piliarska and hospital administrators acknowledged their awareness of the potential consequences. They understood the grave risks involved and anticipated severe retribution for their actions.

Ghazi Balkiz/CNN
Tetiana Pavelko sits at her kitchen table with Kira on her lap. “She is the meaning of my life … I can’t imagine my life without Kira,” she says.

A Nurse’s Determined Actions
A particular nurse at the hospital went above and beyond to impede the Russians’ efforts.

Tetiana Pavelko’s Special Bond
Tetiana Pavelko had developed a deep bond with a newborn named Kira. Recalling her fondness for the child, she expressed to CNN, “From the beginning, I truly loved her. She was an exceptionally beautiful child.”

Persistent Efforts to Protect Kira
Pavelko fervently implored the hospital’s doctors and administrators to ensure Kira was excluded from the routinely checked list of children by collaborators. She remembered the relentless updates to the list and her unyielding commitment to keeping Kira’s name off of it.

Ghazi Balkiz/CNN
Tetiana Pavelko, holding Kira, opens the door as the sound of artillery shells echoes around.

Kherson’s Liberation and Pavelko’s Decision
Following the Ukrainian soldiers’ recapture of Kherson from Russian control in November, Pavelko seized the opportunity to bring Kira home. She has since initiated the adoption process.

Living Amidst Conflict
Pavelko, her partner, and Kira now reside in a single-story home located in Korabelny district, at Kherson’s southern boundary. Despite the looming threat of constant bombardments by the Russians nearby, they continue to dwell there.

Finding Light Amidst Darkness
While the war has wrought havoc, Pavelko identifies a silver lining. She profoundly expresses her feelings for Kira, acknowledging the deep meaning the child has brought to her life.


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