Ukrainian forces breach the ‘initial barrier’ of Russian defenses in the southern region

Ukrainian forces breach the ‘initial barrier’ of Russian defenses in the southern region

Progress in the Zaporizhzhia Region

Ukrainian forces have reportedly breached the “first line” of Russian defense in the Zaporizhzhia region, indicating a closer approach to Moscow’s extensive fortified trench network in the southern front.

Ukrainian Advancements Amidst Challenges

The Ukrainian military asserts that their forces are advancing towards Novoprokopivka, located east of the recently secured Robotyne village in Zaporizhzhia. Despite the hardships, their counteroffensive efforts are gradually paying off, leading to fortified positions and effective artillery responses.

Anticipated Skirmishes Ahead

Ukrainian troops anticipate confrontations, particularly concerning elevated terrains, as they near successive Russian defensive lines. The long-term objective remains to disrupt Russia’s territorial continuity, which connects its eastern holdings with the annexed region of Crimea.

Navigating Russian Defensive Measures

Svtime has provided insights into the numerous obstacles Ukrainian forces face, highlighting the intricate Russian defensive setup. This includes extensive minefields, antitank barricades, and elaborate tunnel systems prevalent in southern and eastern Ukraine.

Global Perspective on Ukraine’s Counteroffensive

Recent reports suggest that the US and its allies had previously expressed concerns over the counteroffensive’s slow progress. In a discussion with Christiane Amanpour, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, emphasized that the country’s efforts are progressively advancing in the right direction, despite the challenges.

NATO’s Contribution in Artillery

Brigadier General Serhiy Baranov credited NATO for enhancing Ukraine’s artillery capabilities. He pointed out that the increased artillery range provided by NATO, which exceeds that of the Russian artillery, offers a strategic advantage. This extended range ensures effective damage to enemy lines and positions their artillery deeper, safeguarding Ukrainian artillery units from potential retaliation.

Viacheslav Ratynskyi/Reuters
A Ukrainian serviceman walks near a destroyed Ukrainian tank near Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region, on August 25, 2023.
Viacheslav Ratynskyi/Reuters
Ukrainian soldiers ride a tank near Robotyne, a village that Kyiv took last week amid a slow and grueling counteroffensive against dense Russian defense lines.

Russian Resistance Near Verbove Village

Ukrainian forces are reportedly operating near the village of Verbove in the southeast. Reports from Russian military bloggers indicate heightened activity in the area, although Russian forces seem to be staving off Ukraine’s advances for now.

Recent Satellite Imagery Insights

Recent satellite images of Solodka Balka village, located south of Robotyne, depict the existence of robust communication trenches, vehicle shelters, and “dragon’s teeth” barriers, potentially designed to hinder Ukrainian forward movements.

Kyiv’s Strategic Advances

Ukrainian forces have been progressively encroaching upon Tokmak, a crucial logistical hub for Russian military operations. This town houses a railway station essential for resupply missions and storage facilities for fuel and ammunition.

Intensified Combat Near Novoprokopivka

The vicinity of Novoprokopivka, a minor agricultural community located south of Robotyne, has become a hotspot for heightened military activity. This region is close to a fortified Russian line in Zaporizhzhia, as highlighted by the 46th Brigade, an active combat unit in the vicinity.

Strategic Movements and Impending Battles

The brigade’s Telegram update highlights the strategic advantage gained by circling the heights from the northeast. This maneuver pressurized the enemy’s right flank, enabling Ukrainian forces to access the primary defense line on the southern heights. However, intensive battles for these crucial strongholds are anticipated.

Positioning Near Verbove Village

Units have established their presence on the western boundary of the Verbove village, as mentioned by the brigade on Telegram. The brigade stresses that combat activities are escalating, occurring perilously close to Russian defense perimeters.

Russian Resistance and Future Challenges

The brigade comments on the persistent counterattacks from Russian forces, emphasizing their relentless defense. The past month’s combat indicates that Russia remains unwilling to relinquish the seized territories, signaling prolonged confrontations ahead.

Counterclaims on Verbove’s Outskirts

Yevgeniy Balitsky, the Russian-appointed administrator overseeing occupied areas of Zaporizhzhia, claims that two Ukrainian assault units attempting to breach Verbove’s defensive outskirts faced decimation. Concurrently, WarGonzo, a notable Russian military blogger, confirmed Ukrainian advancements from the west towards Verbove. However, he asserts that Russian forces continue to maintain their defensive stances near the village.

Recent Aerial Strikes and Ground Combat

Ukrainian sources reported multiple aerial attacks by Russia in the region on Thursday. Moreover, the 46th Brigade highlighted significant casualties incurred on Monday, as both sides intensively employed artillery amidst the escalating ground warfare.


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